About Degree College of Physical Education

Degree College of Physical Education is runned by world famous institute Shree Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal. Mandal is established in 1914 and has completed more than 100 years. Mandal started the regular programme of physical education to provide trained and discipline physical education teacher by establishing this training college in the year 1967 with the permission of Government of Maharashtra in urban area at Amravati and affiliated to Nagpur University, Nagpur earlier. This is the only college in Maharashtra which started a three years degree course in physical education on govt. grant basis.
This college is now permanently affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati and recognized by the Govt. of Maharashtra, National Council for Teacher Education WRC, Bhopal and AICTE, Delhi. College is also recognized by UGC under 2(f) and 12b, and
is assessed and Re-accredited by NAAC, Bangalore in 'A' Grade
in the year Mar 2019. The College is also conferred the Autonomous
status by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati on the recommendation
of U.G.C. & Govt. of Maharashtra for the five year duration
from the session 2007-08 to 2011-2012 on the date 26.02.2008 and parent
university has given extension by Autonomy upto 2017.
College gradually started courses in the streams like: Engineering
& Technology (M.C.A.), Science(M.Sc. Computer, B.C.A., B.Sc. Computer)
, Commerce (M.Com., B.B.A.) and Social science (M.A. Yoga, B.A. Yoga,
P.G.D.Y.T., D.Y.N.S.).
The College is successfully running the AICTE recognized course, Master in Computer Application (M.C.A) since 1995 onwards. In Vidarbha region
this College is the pioneer to start M.C.A. course. M.C.A. students of this College are at higher post in various renowned IT companies.
Our Under graduate Science students are also placed in renowned IT companies. As the College has received Autonomous status, it can modify and
design the curriculum, matching the Industry needs which is really fruitful for the students in case of their placements.
Due to these courses multidisciplinary research project are carried out in College.
The Degree College of Physical Education acquired the prestigious
36th rank at all India level in NIRF ranking by Ministry of HRD, New
Delhi for the year 2017 among the Colleges running Degree
& P.G. degree in multiple faculties. The College stood 3rd
rank in this category in Maharashtra state
and 1st in Vidarbha.iBOMMA
The college provides its services to the students, community and profession for their development with the following mission, vision and objectives.

Working President's Desk
It is gratifying to note that the Degree College of Physical
Education is completing its 50 years of dedicated service rendered to
the noble profession of physical education. During this long period
of its service the college has several achievements to its credit. The
college has now become autonomous and multi- faculty one. This can be
considered a unique feature for which it has gained
popularity in profession.
Adv. Prashant Deshpande

Hon. Gen. Secretary's Desk
Degree College of Physical Education, Amravati is pioneer Institute of Physical Education and Sports in the central part of India. It has a strong background and heritage of safeguarding and promotion of Indian traditionalphysical culture inherited from the management trust Shree Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal, Amravati. College is multidisciplinary autonomous college and proved its academic excellence.
» Read morePadmashri P. A. Vaidya

Principal's Desk
Our aim is to create worthy students who turn out to be, not only successful citizens, but also good human beings who will go the extra mile to transform this world for the better. As the Institution, has been nurturing the learners’body & minds over the 5 decades with the beliefs that ‘The heart of education is the education of heart’,This isn’t just a job. It’s not just our profession. It’s what we believe in we choose this profession.
» Read moreProf.Dr. S.P.Deshpande