Hon. General Secretary's Desk
Padmashri P. A. Vaidya Sir

Degree College of Physical Education, Amravati is pioneer Institute
of Physical Education and Sports in the central part of India. It has
a strong background and heritage of safeguarding and promotion of Indian
traditionalphysical culture inherited from the management trust Shree
Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal, Amravati. College is multidisciplinary
autonomous college and proved its academic excellence. The prestigious
36th rank by NIRF in the year 2017, CPE status by UGC, Accreditation
by NAAC with good CGPA have endorse its activity and quest for excellence
in higher education. Linkage and collaboration with reputed organization
in Denmark, Poland, Japan, Germany, Sri Lanka and with good number of
industries have open many new avenues for the students and faculty of
this esteemed college. Well qualified, dedicated and hardworking staff,
high quality physical and IT infrastructure, prime location, strong
alumni support are some of the strengths of this Institute.Autonomous
status of the College has given opportunity to experiment innovative
ideas in the teaching, learning and evaluation. College has policy for
strengthening research, development and extension services and therefore
college actively participates in many social and community service initiatives
of Shree H. V. P. Mandal, Amravati. I congratulate the authority and
staff, and extend best wishes for its future development projects and
With all good wishes,
Hon. General Secretary
Shree H.V.P. Mandal
Amravati. MS-INDIA 444605