Principal's Desk
Prof Dr. S.P. Deshpande

Innovation and inclusion being the key values of any institution in
a globalized era, educational institutions cannot be an exception. Today,
the College stands proud with 50 years of splendid achievements and
commitment to the mission through holistic education. It owes its present
position of eminence to the dynamic Mother Institution- Shree HVP Mandal,
founded by Vaidya brothers namely Anant Krishna and Ambadas Krishna
Vaidya who were inspired by the spirit of patriotism, dedicated Principals,
faculty members and vibrant students who contribute their mite to the
sustenance and enhancement of the quality of the institution along with
finding its footprints at international platforms. With a strength of
more than 3000 students of recognized departments (Science & Techno,
Arts, Sci, Com. Career-oriented, Yoga Edu.& Phy.Edu) under it, today,
the College being permanently affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati
University, Amravati and recognized by the Govt. of Maharashtra, National
Council for Teacher Education WRC, Bhopal and AICTE, Delhi. & by UGC
under 2(f) and 129(b), and is assessed and Re-accredited by NAAC, Bangalore
in 'B' Grade in the year Jan 2013.
The College is also conferred upon Autonomous status by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati on the recommendation of U.G.C. & Govt. of Maharashtra for the five-year duration from the sessions 2007-08 to 2011-2012 and parent university has given extension by Autonomy up to2016-2017,& now, further extended up to 2022 by it.NIRF-National Institutional Rank Framework (HRD Ministry)ranked this college 2nd in Maharashtra and 36th in Nationwide ranking, declared on 3rd April 2017,continues the tradition of inclusion and benevolence by going beyond the conventional mode and integrating it at various levels. Beginning with the inclusive enrolment of diverse learners from different social, economic, religious and cultural backgrounds and differently-able students from 19 various states, to the merging of wider community in all activities, the College takes every step to institutionalize and internalize inclusion. With its firm belief in quality enhancement, it is always on its toes sparingall efforts to experiment with novel ideas and innovative practices in curriculum designing and instructional strategies to ensure sustainable human development.
Taking into cognizance the dynamic societal changes fueled by technological development and globalization, and the consequent paradigm shifts in several fields, efficient and effective use of technology and quality research culture are aimed at, befitting the status of College with Potential for Excellence. Our aim is to create worthy students who turn out to be, not only successful citizens, but also good human beings who will go the extra mile to transform this world for the better.
As the Institution, has been nurturing the learners’body & minds over the 5 decades with the beliefs that ‘The heart of education is the education of heart’,This isn’t just a job. It’s not just our profession. It’s what we believe in we choose this profession. We choose to make a difference. Educators choose to make a difference in somebody else’s life.
With all good wishes,
HVP Mandal's Degree College of Physical Education,
Amravati. MS-INDIA 444605